Guide:Difference Between Deep Seeking Detectors vs Professional Gold Detectors

Difference Between Deep Seeking Detectors vs Professional Gold Detectors

  1. Price

The deep seeking detectors start from 350,000 Pakistani rupees and have the highest range of 700,000 Pakistani rupees whereas the high end, most expensive gold detectors which lie in the professional detectors category start from 860,000 PKR and go as high as 4,800,000 PKR.

  1. Hardware

The coils of deep seeking detectors have a diameter of 1-2 meters but the professional gold detectors are not based primarily on coils. They have sensors which are capable of gathering information about metallic compounds underneath the ground surface. Both deep seeking and professional level gold detectors have option of upgrability, built in pinpointers and both are heavy in weight. Lastly the professional level detectors weigh more than 20 and 30 kilograms depending on the hardware.  

  1. Technology

Coils are not a matter of importance in both of these because the deep seeking detectors are based on Pulse Induction Technology, whereas the Professional level detectors are based on magnetic radar technology also known as magnetic sensor technology. Multiple sensors present in the devices not only detect the presence of several metallic components but also the structure and cavities of the ground beneath the visible surface. 

  1. Specifications

The deep seeking detectors are capable of 6-10 feet depth underground, also it is multiplied drastically in professional level detectors which are capable of going up to 10 to 50 feet which is very deep for such technology to work depending upon several environmental factors and soil conditions.

  1. Output Mode

Moreover both deep seeking and professional level detectors have digital displays for the information regarding output of the gold detector devices. In addition the advanced option of 3D graphical display is available in both of the categories in gold detectors making it very more helpful in analyzing and interpreting the results. 

  1. Warranty and Spare Parts

In addition warranty and spare parts are available by the guaranteed high quality manufacturing firms based in the countries with trusted technologies and can be claimed by contacting the official distributors in buyer’s territory. Spare parts if required can also be obtained by placing an order through them. 

Specifications Summary and Comparison  of Deep Seeking Detectors vs Professional Gold Detectors


Specs Deep Seeking Gold Detectors Professional Level Detectors
Price 350K-700K 800K-4800K
Depth 6-10 feet 10-50 feet
Ground Balance Yes Yes
Pinpointer Yes Yes
Coil Size 1-2 meters No coil – Sensors only
Upgradable Yes Yes
Down gradable Yes Yes
Coil Technology
Detector Technology Pulse Induction No VLF
Discrimination Yes Yes – through 3D graphs
Depth Indicator Some Yes
3D Graphs Yes Yes
Output Mode Digital Digital
Weight More More than 20-30 kg
Warranty Yes Yes
Spare Parts Yes Yes
Waterproofing No Some, No underwater


Guide:Difference Between Advanced vs Deep Seeking Detectors

  1. Price

Advanced level gold detectors lie in the price range of about 120,000 PKR to about 225,000 PKR which is a moderate amount for serious level equipment with features entertaining professional treasure hunters. But the Deep seeking detectors have higher prices starting from 350,000 PKR and going to a maximum of 700,000 PKR with advanced technological developments renovating the whole machine and rendering it more effective. 

  1. Hardware

Starting from 11 inches and extending towards coils of 15 inches, advanced level gold detectors are still limited to inches where the deep seek detectors transition to the higher unit, meters, having a diameter of 1-2 meters. Both of them have upgradable coils, with built-in pinpointers available and very heavy in weight. 

  1. Technology

Advanced level detectors come with DD coil technology and the detectors have VLF technology. However, the deep seek detectors are based on Pulse Induction technology, which is relatively advanced technology. 

  1. Specifications

Advanced level detectors are able to detect the presence of metallic objects at the range of 3 to 5 feet underground, whereas the deep seek detectors can detect at almost double the range of the former, which is 6 to 10 feet approximately. Lastly Both of them have an option of ground balance, discrimination as well as depth indicators. But some of the deep seek detectors may not have the option of depth indicators. 

  1. Output Mode

In addition both advanced and deep seeking gold detectors come with digital display options only, where a LED display is accompanied or built inside the control unit of the device. Additionally advanced level detectors do not have 3D graphs but the deep seek detectors have the option of colorful graphical displays for better interpretation o the data acquired from the field. Some external devices with the installation of applications or software allow the access of the gold detector data on a backlit display if it is not already built-in. 

  1. Warranty and Spare Parts

Moreover the advanced level and deep seeking gold detectors have an option of availing warranty claim. After the purchase and use of device starting from 1 year and extending towards 5 years along with spare parts which can be easily requested from the official distributors. 

Specifications Summary and Comparison 


Specs Advanced Level Detectors Deep Seeking Detectors
Price 120K-225K 350K-700K
Depth 3-5 feet 6-10 feet
Ground Balance Yes Yes
Pinpointer Yes Yes
Coil Size 11-15 inches 1-2 meters
Upgradable Yes Yes
Downgradable Yes Yes
Coil Technology DD
Detector Technology VLF Pulse Induction
Discrimination Yes Yes
Depth Indicator Yes Some
3D Graphs No Yes
Output Mode Digital Digital
Weight More More
Warranty Yes Yes
Spare Parts Yes Yes
Waterproofing No


User Guide: Difference Between Intermediate vs Advanced Detectors

  1. Price

Firstly advance level detectors and Intermediate level detectors are very different. Intermediate level detectors lie just below the range of 100,000 Pakistani Rupees . As a result the advanced level detectors are comparatively higher lying between the price range of 120,000 to 225,000 Pakistani rupees claiming extra beneficial factors justifying the price range. 

  1. Hardware

For instance the coil sizes of intermediate level detectors start from 8 inches and move up to 11 inches whereas the advanced level detectors have a coil size having diameters between 11 inches and 15 inches. In addition both of them come with an option of built in pinpointer. The advanced level detectors have upgradability option for replacing existing coil with a bigger coil. Intermediate detectors have medium weight range but because of increase in coil size, advanced level detectors are heavier. 

  1. Technology

Firstly both of the detectors have an option for DD coil technology and the detectors themselves are based on the VLF technology.  As a result which makes them similar to some extent but the power of this technology is strengthened by stronger and robust hardware which is promised by the expensive models of advanced level detectors. , 

  1. Specifications

More ‘over The depth range of intermediate level detectors is about 2-3 feet with depth indicators. Firstly the depth range of advanced level detectors come starting from 3 feet and up to a maximum of 5 feet underground also with a depth indicator. The ground balance is not available in intermediate level detectors, but it is available in advanced level detectors. However, discrimination is available in both models but it is not that powerful in intermediate level gold detectors. 

  1. Output Mode

In addition the intermediate level detectors come with both options of analog and digital displays. But the advanced level gold detectors do not have much of an option for analog because it becomes obsolete at this point. Only digital displays are available, and 3D graphs are not available in any of them. 

  1. Warranty and Spare Parts

Additionally warranty and spare parts are available for all of them provided they are bought from official distributors of the brands in your territory. 

Specifications Summary and Comparison  of Intermediate vs Advance Detectors


Specs Intermediate Level Detectors Advanced Level Detectors
Price < 100K 120K-225K
Depth 2-3 feet 3-5 feet
Ground Balance No Yes
Pinpointer Yes Yes
Coil Size 8-11 inches 11-15 inches
Upgradable No Yes
Downgradable Yes Yes
Coil Technology DD DD
Detector Technology VLF VLF
Discrimination Yes, not powerful Yes
Depth Indicator Yes Yes
3D Graphs No No
Output Mode Analog and Digital Digital
Weight Medium More
Warranty Yes Yes
Spare Parts Yes Yes


Beginners vs Intermediate Gold Detectors

  1. Price

Difference between Beginners vs Intermediate Gold Detectors is very important to understand . The beginner level detectors usually are in the lowest price ranges starting from about 10,000 Pakistani Rupees to 50,000 PKR making it very accessible the people who require them as a hobby or for leisure. And the intermediate level detectors are the ones which are limited up to the price range of about 100,000 Pakistani rupees with some additional features which are very helpful for the ones interested in achieving better results. 

  1. Hardware

Beginner level gold detectors come with a coil size of about 4, 5 and 8 inches in diameter, whereas the intermediate level detectors have an option starting from 8 inches to 11 inches. Beginner level detectors are not upgradable whereas the intermediate ones have an option of changing the coils with bigger or smaller coils. The beginner level does not have the functionality of a  pinpointer but intermediate detectors come with built-in or an accessory pinpointer. Former are lighter in weight and easier to carry whereas later have slightly more weight depending on coil size. 

  1. Technology

The coil in beginner level detectors come with only mono coils but intermediate detectors have both options, mono, and DD coils. The detector technology of both categories is based on VLF mechanism. 

  1. Specifications

The depth capabilities of the beginner level detectors come with a very minimal range which is 10-12 inches only with no depth indicators whereas the intermediate level detectors have a satisfactory range of 2 to 3 feet underground, with depth indicators. Ground balance is not available in both categories and beginner level detectors have not very good discrimination options. The intermediate level detectors have them, but they are not very powerful either. 

  1. Output Mode

Beginner level detectors are mostly found with analog displays but some of them also have a digital one. Intermediate level detectors have options of both analog and digital whichever is convenient for the buyer. And both of them do not have any kind of 3D graphical display option available at this point.

  1. Warranty and Spare Parts

Both of the type of detectors beginners and intermediate have a warranty available from qualified manufacturers as well as spare parts are also available upon request. 

Specifications Summary and Comparison  of Difference between  Beginners vs Intermediate Gold Metal Detectors


Specs Beginner Level Detectors Intermediate Level Detectors
Price 10K-50K < 100K
Depth 10-12 inches 2-3 feet
Ground Balance No No
Pinpointer No Yes
Coil Size 4,5,8 inches 8-11 inches
Upgradable No
Downgradable Yes
Coil Technology DD
Detector Technology VLF VLF
Discrimination Not good  Yes, not powerful
Depth Indicator No Yes
3D Graphs No No
Output Mode Analog and Digital Analog and Digital
Weight Less Medium
Warranty Yes Yes
Spare Parts Yes Yes
Importance of Coil in Gold Detectors

Importance of Coil in Gold Detectors

Coils play a very important role in determining the effectivity and performance range of the gold detectors. It is very important that he buyers must choose the coil which is most suitable to their specific purpose or at least possesses the options to alter because if a specific coil is not able to perform in their circumstance, the gold detector would completely go to waste as the required gold items will not be detected or will be ignored. Here are some factors determining the importance of coil in gold detectors:

Coil manufacturing

There are many brands of manufacturers who are only operating in the area if producing coils of various sizes, designs, and technologies for different models of gold detectors. Some examples of coil only manufacturers include Coil Tech, Nugget Finder, Kamra, Nel. etc. Most of the quality coils are manufactured in the United States of America and Australia.

Coil Weight

The if the coil size is less, it will weigh less and if the buyer chooses a bigger coil size, it will weigh the machine down. And that will cause trouble to handle the swinging motions of the gold detector in the field. If the coil technology is varied, it will have no significant impact on the weight of the coil as it is mostly just manipulated by the amount of material in hardware. 


Waterproofing options are available for coils only, which makes it cost-effective for the gold detectors which are only required to work in the slightly watery ground at the surface level only. But if the buyer requires a fully weatherproof instrument, then it will be available as well.

Options for Upgrade

If the treasure hunter wants to explore a new situation which could not be tested with one particular type of coil, an option is available to change the coil to the required size, called upgrading or downgrading the coil. For that purpose, a new gold detector will not be required but only changing the coil will significantly affect the operations of a gold detector. 

Purpose determines Type of Coil

Your mission and vision about the purpose of gold prospecting must be clear in terms of knowing the type of soil to be explored, the depths required to be covered underground and what would be the size of gold objects to be found, etc. Because this will determine what type and size of the coil are required for the buyer. 

Know Your Coil

  • Swing Speed

As detectors are based on motion-induced technology i is required to continuously swing the coil like a pendulum’s motion. But this speed of swinging can also vary depending upon the model of the gold detector. 

  • Ground Distance

One more important factor to determine the effectivity of the coil is its distance from the ground. In most of the cases, the appropriate distance to be maintained from a coil to the ground is usually about 1 inch. 

  • Discipline

The integrity of the coil is to be maintained on the surface of by ground by making sure sufficient distance is kept such that it does not damage the coil by hitting any obstacles in the way during the swinging etc. 

Sizes in Coils

  1. Small Coils

They start from 5 inches and have a maximum size of 8 inches. In addition they are preferred for high mineralized soil areas. Where possible trashy metallic objects buried underground. The area coverage is negative because of the smaller size. It takes extra time and more swings to cover a limited amount of space.

  1. Medium Coils

These coils lie in the range 8-11 inches in diameter and are the highly recommended type of detector. Coils being in the mid-range affordability and coverage wise. These are work at their best in highly mineralized soils. 

  1. Large Coils

These coils are relatively large including 11 inches, 15 inches, 16 inches, 18 inches, 32 inches, 22 inches, 25 inches, or above. They have relatively low sensitivity and ignore very small objects. Very poor performance in terms of pinpointing, but depth is very good as well as coverage time is fast. Pulse Induction technology, size increases then the effectivity of the coil increases as compared to the ones with VLF technology.   

Angle of Coil

Importance of Coil in Gold Detectors the coil must be parallel to the ground at the angle of 180 degrees . Do not operate the coil’s swinging motions imitating a pendulum, i.e. to and for motions around an axis. If the gold detectors are very close to the ground, then their depth becomes compromised as the ground balance weakens which results in a noisier detector. 


treasure Found from Gold Detectors

Guide: Treasure Found from Gold Detectors

Gold detectors from around the world engaged in powerful and rather successful treasure hunting experiences. And news channels are interested to cover the rarest and most interesting stories about such discoveries making it attractive for beginners to seek a deeper interest in this field. Here are some popular and recent examples published as news stories of treasure found from Gold detectors having so much emotional or economic value.


A Treasure Hunter found a gold grad ring from 1965

A man who is a chiropractor professionally and a treasure hunter as a hobbyist, found a graduation ring from 1965 in Killarney Lake, Fredericton. The ring had the year engraved on its side and the logo of the high school at the front, a school which was non existent at the time they found the ring. It was 10 karats gold ring of size 7, and the treasure hunter was determined o find the owner. He found the list of 10 female graduates and shortlisted to 4, then reached them out via social networking site. He found the owner of the ring and sent her via mail. Previously, he also found a wallet with 2 Canadian dollars and a student card, whose owner was also satisfactorily found. The treasure hunter finds peace in returning long lost items to their rightful owners.


Metal Detector Finds the Wedding Ring Lost in the 1970s

A resident of Tenessee Mr. Wesley WHite during an occasional visit to his mother in his senior care facility overheard that one of her fellows lost her wedding ring in her garden 50 years ago and could not find. Her son said she always missed her ring and how she was unable to find it. Mr. White decided he would fetch his gold detector and have a look around the location. He found the ring buried 5 inches under the ground in about 90 minutes and gave it back to her after 50 years. She happily expressed how the ring would be a family heirloom now and thanked Mr. WHie, a retired person and treasure hunting enthusiast for his tremendous efforts. 


Man Finds ‘Monster’ $69,000 Gold Nugget in Australia With Metal Detectors

A local treasure hunting hobbyist in Western Australia found a huge gold nugget of about 49 ounces or 1.4 kilograms about 18 inches below the ground. A local shop posted the image of the gold nugget in comparison to a regular-sized coin on their Facebook page. They were then contacted by the BBC news for an elaborate report. The particular town is famous for the gold deposits and many of the people are earning through gold prospecting as their primary mode of income. Others indulge in it as a hobby but also earn sufficiently. 



Recommended Gold Detectors in 2019

User Guide: Recommended Gold Detectors in 2024

Recommendations are based on your unique purposes of using Gold Detectors, which can be:


Long Term or Short Term

First of all the buyer must decide if they are going to buy the detector to use for a short period of time, for example one time, three times, one month, one season or a long time for example a few years to life time. This determines the suage pattern and intensity for gold detectors so it will tell how much to invest in such device. 

Terrestrial or Under Water

Whether the research must be conducted on the ground surface which is completely dry, on some ground where there may or may not be some water, or if the detectors are purely intended to be used under the surface of water. 

For Specific Items or Multipurpose

If the buyer is looking for a specific category of item for example gold nuggets, gold coins, gold relics, statues etc only or if they are interested to look for all or some of these items simultaneously. Because some gold detectors are especially designed to target some type of objects whereas other can be multipurpose with adjustable settings.

For Archaeological Diggings

For diggings of objects buried underneath the ground for a very long time whose shape size or depth can not be actually determined beforehand, some advanced level equipment would be more useful. 

For Geological Research

If the buyer would like to take in depth data about the ground and the metals hidden in the ground for the purpose of adding information to the geological science domain, then the accuracy of a professional level instrument with radar technology would be better alternative and its generic land survey can also be useful determining the texture of earth below the surface. .

At Construction Sites

The personnel at construction sites often require checking and separating the metallic residue from the debris, and where and why the metals are used and how the structure of the building could be made better or improvised. So using such equipment would  be very beneficial. Because the engineers and construction site developers want to analyze the ground they will be building some structures on, and depending of the type, quality and make up of the ground components underneath, the construction project could be effectively modified. 


For Professional Treasure Hunters

People who are working with treasure and detection equipment for a long time and know what they are doing with treasure hunting actually have a very good idea about how large profit potential their land has. So that is why they are willing to invest in such quality gold metal detection equipment to get more efficient and precise results. 


Electrical Interference in Gold Detectors

Electrical Interference in Gold Detector

What is Electrical Interference

Electrical Interefernece is the distortion in magnetic field caused by surrounding metallic objects or systems having electricity running through them. If those structures are close enough to get  the magnetism of the gold detectors. Then by absorbing eddy currents they will emit a magnetism of their own which would in return effect the functionality of a gold detector.

Sources of Electrical Interference

Overhead Sources

Large metallic objects or a network of wires or pipes held above the ground will cause significant distortion in detectors because the medium of conduction is air. Includes the metal from wirings, pipings, construction structures, etc.

Underground Sources

The metallic objects buried underground also have a significant impact on creation of electrical interference for the metal detectors and gold detectors. These could include underground wiring systems, underground piping and sewage systems, underground transportation routes etc.

Electrical perimeter fences

The metallic fences built around sensitive buildings for security having harsh edges on top and electrical current flowing through them are also a very important indicator or actor inducing electrical interference. 

Telephone Lines

The network of landline telephone cables laid around below the ground or above can cause electrical interference for the gold detecors as well. 

Heavy Metallic Objects 

Other heavy metallic objects including vehicles for transportation because of their ignition systems, military level communication home based or commercial level computer systems, old CRT-based televisions having comtinous explosions of electrons in the machine, portable cell phones and hand held devices, natural thunderstorms with huge outbursts of electrons, some metal vapor lamps, elaborate military aircraft with electronic warfare countermeasures turned on, daily use electric motors, VLF military communications systems etc.

Built-in Noise from Detectors

Although most of the hardware in the gold detectors is made from non metallic items such as wood and quality plastic, as conduction of electric current is required, it cannot be done without some metallic conductors in the form of the coil, wires attached to the battery and the battery itself. This can cause a built in noise from detectors. 

Wireless Communication technology

Bluetooth, wifi, and network connectivity in the modern-day cell phone also have the potential to distort the gold detectors via electrical interference and it becomes challenging for the gold detector users because such devices are usually very helpful in the field for connectivity but the mobile phones along with other portable and helpful devices must be kept away to ensure maximum possible sound or noise cancellation. 

These are all main factors and reasons in Electrical Interference in Gold Detectors

You can buy all types of detectors form Pakistan Detectors

Uses of Gold Detectors

The Ultimate Guide Uses of Gold Detectors

Gold detectors are being used for several decades now, but over the period of time as technology evolves, people find more than one way to use and incorporate such practical devices in their lives, no matter what their professional orientation is. Here are some of the uses of gold detectors:

Detection of Landmines

Modern explosive materials comprise of many metallic components which enhance their damage level as well as give the electrical force to ignite the explosion. Landmines are one of them and because they are usually rigged underground, and can be wired or wireless. But wireless technology fails to work in presence of security protocol jammers so wire based mines are more effective. This is where gold detectors become useful to pinpoint the exact location of the mines so the security crew could safely extract on 2-4 inch depth and diffuse it. 

Pipe Detection

Pipes which are not easily found especially when buried around constructed structures or underground, then gold detectors and metal detectors could be used to see where is a metallic gas piping or sewage system so the actions could be taken according to it to ensure safety and prevention for their damage before digging around them. 

Cables and wiring

When the surrounding area comprises of populated area having several residential, commercial or industrial setups, then it becomes more likely that detecting cables and wirings become crucial. Gold metal detectors can detect and differentiate between different forms of electrical wirings including copper, aluminium wires etc. 

Stolen or Lost Metal Objects

The objects which were lost or buried accidently underground or underwater can easily be found if they are made up of gold or other detectable metals. We have seen multiple cases where people lose their jewelry item, handheld electronic devices and so on in some area they cannot tell, and these detectors come in handy that time. 

Diamond and Precious Stones in Jewelry?

Breaking up the element of surprise, yes diamond and other precious and semi precious stones from jewelry can be detected from gold detectors. How you say? Because of the possibility that diamond or those lost stones are embedded in a metallic component which holds it together with the piece of jewelry. For example if it is a diamond ring, it would be embedded in a gold or platinum base. So gold detectors are able to pick up signals for them. 

Underwater lost metal

Not only the metal dispersed under the ground but the one which was dropped into the pond or well could also be detected using many advanced underwater gold detectors. Because they are designed to work specifically in an underwater environment and pick up the magnetic rays from the lost object efficiently. According to a recent report, lacs of jewelry items are lost yearly in Pakistan. 

Treasure, Coins and Gold Nuggets

Although this might seem like the prime purpose of gold detectors, people sometimes forget how important this use is. Because it can be a mean of earning money with so much potential as the objects buried underground hundreds of years ago are hard to claim by most of the people in today’s world.

In Geological Research

Detectors can reveal various rocks with ferrous compounds or metallic layers embedded in the sediments over the period of their formation. So some of those rocks would respond to the gold detectors and these can assist in geological research. 

Cheapest Gold Detectors in Pakistan

The gold detectors are available for everyone who wants to explore the grounds and see what treasures are hidden underneath the ground surface. However investing in such heavy equipment for hobby is not easy, and starting from a beginner level equipment makes some sense as well. Here are the features which will come with the cheapest gold detectors only. 

For Recreation Only

These equipment are not very high end, thus extremely sophisticated technology required for professional level work is not available. Only the necessary functions vital for the working of a gold detector are present which would only make it much more easy to carry and helpful for recreational purposes. 

Specific Environmental Conditions

The gold detectors could only be utilized in a very low range of environmental conditions and the results would be compromised if the weather becomes unstable for example extreme temprature shifts, rain, thunderstorms etc. Also the electrical interference from surrounding metallic bodies will also change the productivity of equipment negatively.  

Very Limited Depth

The detectors advertised within affordable price range or cheap category can not perceive the depth underground to a very long extent. They may be practical to use for the distance of about a few inches only. 

Limited Display Options

The display options for the metal detectors in this category comes usually with typical analog systems, where the needle deflection shows metal detection with or without sound effects. However some models can also come with an advanced or digital LED based display. 

Technology and Coils

They detectors usually work on VLF technology and coil sizes are small with options of mono coils only, with no differentiation between ferrous and nonferrous compounds. These are some of the basic technologies which only work to detect the presence of a metallic object. Mono coil results in slightly increasing the depth potential which is a plus for this equipment. 

Time Taking

As the coil size is so small, it is very time consuming to cover an area using these detectors. The continuous swinging motions are required because of the motion based mechanism and it becomes very time consuming. 

Not Very Reliable Results

The results of the beginner level gold detectors are not in very much detail thus they are considered approximate and are not always accurate or correct. So this becomes very tough for the gold detector users to judge whether they are digging the right place or the alarm was only for a trashy material comprised of a metal. 

These are some factors which are important to keep in mind while purchasing Detectors