
Cheapest Gold Detectors in Pakistan

The gold detectors are available for everyone who wants to explore the grounds and see what treasures are hidden underneath the ground surface. However investing in such heavy equipment for hobby is not easy, and starting from a beginner level equipment makes some sense as well. Here are the features which will come with the cheapest gold detectors only. 

For Recreation Only

These equipment are not very high end, thus extremely sophisticated technology required for professional level work is not available. Only the necessary functions vital for the working of a gold detector are present which would only make it much more easy to carry and helpful for recreational purposes. 

Specific Environmental Conditions

The gold detectors could only be utilized in a very low range of environmental conditions and the results would be compromised if the weather becomes unstable for example extreme temprature shifts, rain, thunderstorms etc. Also the electrical interference from surrounding metallic bodies will also change the productivity of equipment negatively.  

Very Limited Depth

The detectors advertised within affordable price range or cheap category can not perceive the depth underground to a very long extent. They may be practical to use for the distance of about a few inches only. 

Limited Display Options

The display options for the metal detectors in this category comes usually with typical analog systems, where the needle deflection shows metal detection with or without sound effects. However some models can also come with an advanced or digital LED based display. 

Technology and Coils

They detectors usually work on VLF technology and coil sizes are small with options of mono coils only, with no differentiation between ferrous and nonferrous compounds. These are some of the basic technologies which only work to detect the presence of a metallic object. Mono coil results in slightly increasing the depth potential which is a plus for this equipment. 

Time Taking

As the coil size is so small, it is very time consuming to cover an area using these detectors. The continuous swinging motions are required because of the motion based mechanism and it becomes very time consuming. 

Not Very Reliable Results

The results of the beginner level gold detectors are not in very much detail thus they are considered approximate and are not always accurate or correct. So this becomes very tough for the gold detector users to judge whether they are digging the right place or the alarm was only for a trashy material comprised of a metal. 

These are some factors which are important to keep in mind while purchasing Detectors

7 Tips to Buy Gold Detectors in Pakistan 2019

Buying heavy equipment at such high cost can be a very difficult situation for anyone, because of the higher cost and benefit analysis problems arise at this stage. Especially in case of such unique equipment, gold and metal detectors. Because not much advice is available from your family members or mentors as the technology is continuously evolving and you can get a so much better product even after 3-6 months So here are the most important tips we have gathered from our long experience in metal detectors, which you must keep in mind before buying gold detectors in Pakistan.

  1. Buy from Authorized dealers

Only attempt to buy and gather information about products from authorized dealers only, who are working in reliable countries from technological superiority perspective to ensure maximum information you get about these products are genuine and true. Also that you will get the best quality sales and after-sales services in addition to the uncompromisable product quality.

  1. Never Buy Replicas

You might know at this point that many manufacturers from newly industrializing economies are getting their hands on the fancy and powerful equipment from high-quality brands and creating their own versions of the same products in a relatively cheaper price point. They are time and again seen to have failed to provide the promised specifications in them and people are always disappointed to buy the replicated model because no matter how cheap it might seem price wise, the money will be completely wasted. So make sure to ignore the false options. 

  1. Time Commitment for Usage

Choosing the right metal detector depends on whether you will go for a longer or shorter period of time. If you do not have time to use the equipment frequently and do not have the time for contacting land-owners for permission to scan their land for gold opportunities and going in business agreements with them, then you can focus on budget-friendly options. However, if long term orientation is imagined, then professional level equipment would be recommended which could be slightly pricier or expensive, but worth your time and efforts.

  1. Selecting the Location

Keeping in mind the type of location you are interested in, provided that it can be a public place or a construction area with a lot of metallic trash buried underground. Or alternatively, it can be raw barren area with not much electrical interference and the gold objects are being buried under the ground for quite a while. 

  1. Choose the Right Detector

In terms of technical specifications, do your research. Ask the sales team of your authorized distributor to guide you about soil mineralization, ground balance, the sensitivity of gold detectors, frequency of detection equipment and how and which models are useful for your unique purpose whether it is gold nuggets, gold coins, relics, and statues or multipurpose equipment.

  1. More you Search, More you Find

It is not hidden or a matter of secret that the more time you will spend with your detector on the ground, the more opportunities will be available to find precious items underneath the ground. Because no doubt such equipment lying in your warehouse or basement unused will not reap you any benefits if you are not exchanging gold items with it.

  1. Hunt After Rain

The most appropriate time to go after the buried gold items is right after it rains. Because a gold detector’s performance enhanced unwet weather conditions as compared to dry conditions. 

Gold Detectors as a Gift in Pakistan 2019

The tradition of gifting goods to the loved ones and acquaintances is evolving as a ritual because more than emphasizing on the value of the gift, the element of its practicality is also important these days. Objects which you could just decorate on a shelf no more is a desirable gift option for many people as opposed to the ones which can be used on a daily, weekly basis or can be used to gain more value. Gold detectors can be considered as valid gift options if such beliefs are existent in the gift buyer. 

Purpose of Gift

The gift could be selected for two basic purposes, whether for recreation purposes and no serious consideration of the output is required. Or whether for treasure hunting or seeking gold for the purpose of collecting ornaments, coins or relics of some worth underneath the ground. 

Unique Equipment

Gold detectors are not like the household juicer blenders or fancy manicure equipment. Gold detectors are very unique machines and many people are not aware of the uses and applications of such equipment, so an element of surprise and amusement is always there. 

Ease of Use

Despite looking like too complex, there is only slight training and field testing required to fully understand all the options available in gold detection equipment. So this would not be as difficult to use as many overly technical equipment out there. 

About the Receiver

The personality of the person intended to receive these gold detectors also matter as they may take it seriously depending upon their age, stage in the lifecycle and many other factors. Children could enjoy coin hunting as recreation whereas adults can put serious thought into it. 

Locality of Receiver

The place where the receiver of the gift lives also remains an are of importance because if he or she lives in a populated area, choice of detector would vary and if the areas rich with gold nuggets then the detector would be completely different irrespective of its size. 

Interest in Gold Detectors

Their existing level of awareness or interest in gold detectors could vary and affect the choice of selection as experts would prefer advanced level and people on the initial level would like to start with beginner level equipment. 

Excellent item for Recreation

If the person wants to enjoy quality time with their family or friends, gold detectors can easily be used for an exciting outdoor activity and the souvenirs would be so much more valuable than candies and toys. 

May Used for Side Business

People with established main business or in a hectic job can use gold metal detectors as a dependable side business. Because looking for objects underground which hold so much value and can be sold out to market for so much would be very helpful.